Problem: Nervous & Anxious
Analysis: Ben is a 2 year old Irish Collie from the Dogs Trust, he had issues with loud noises, when he is uncomfortable he hides away in the garden, he's also scared of the camera and sharp movements. Ben is also anxious in the car and also going through the front door. Ben has a lovely temperament.
Advice Given: We practiced "Watch" and Ben picked this up very quickly. Jean will get some plastic plates which I recommended and will put some peanut butter or dairylea spread on them and attach them to the dog guard, as this should keep his mind focused on enjoying the car rather than being anxious (I did this for my own dog and it worked!). As for being camera shy they will start to put treats on the camera and Jean will use the camera as well as Gordon. We talked about switching Ben's brain onto good things to avoid anxiety. Jean and Gordon will play ball more, play sprinkles and give him plenty of mental stimulation. They will get a "perfect fit" harness which I've recommended and a double ended lead as when they used mine they felt in control, relaxed and comfortable. They are a lovely family and I believe they will work with Ben and get the right results and have a happy, relaxed, confident dog at the end.
Aggression towards his owners
Pablo is a 10 week old 1/2 Staffy crossed with 1/4 Bull Mastiff and 1/4 Dogue de Bordeaux. Pablo isn't allowed outside yet as he's only just had his first lot of injections. Pablo is already showing some aggressive behaviour and has bitten his owners three times, not play biting. He is also being very destructive in the house. Pablo doesn't seem to be listening to any commands and he doesn't seem to be motivated to treats or praise. His owners have already tried clicker training. Unfortunately the owners have been making the situation worse by allowing Pablo to play tug with their clothes, they are over compensating playing with him due to the fact they feel sorry for him unable to go outside.
Advice Given:
Pabo is a typical 10 week old puppy who just needs guidance. I have run through some calm guidance with Laura and have taught them how to use the word "watch" which Pablo picked up straight away. I advised them to play when they want to, for Pablo to know when it's time to rest as he's only young and for them to try calm mental stimulation with him. Laura is a lovely owner who will do everything she can for Pablo in getting this right, Laura is also a first time dog owner and they are now on the right track.
Dolly & Ela
Problem: Dolly is very nervous outside
Analysis: What a lovely couple, both rescues, Ela 3 yrs old and Dolly 2 1/2 yrs old. Dolly is very nervous outside, Elsa sets her off. Ela was very well trained but is now getting away with things. Ela also barks outside and then Dolly starts and it sometimes looks as if Dolly could be aggressive.
Advice Given: We did a lot of training with the word "watch" and also advised putting some ground rules in for Ela, for example, No picking her up! With regards to the barking issue and Dolly looking aggressive it's obviously making the owners feel tense whilst out which will not help the situation so I have advised that Dolly should wear a muzzle until their confidence is stronger. I also advised them getting a "perfect fit" harness and have left them with some homework!
I recently met up with Zoe for a walk and she brought Dolly and Ela and I took my rescue dog Jasper and we all had a lovely and calm 2 mile road walk.
Problem: Fear of walking on the lead out of the house
Analysis: Stanley is 6 months old and will not walk out of the house with the lead. Claire thinks Stanley's hormones are starting to show so will continue the work with him.
Advice Given: We worked on going out of the front doors making it exciting with treats etc... We had some really terrific results with Stanley there and then.
Problem: Being a Rescue Puppy
Analysis: Gorgeous 6 month old rescue from Greece. Kathryn his owner just needed a little help with dealing with a rescue puppy.
Advice Given: Calm guidance was all that was needed and within an hour we had him sitting and giving us his paw and his behaviour changed completely. Kathryn will continue this work and let me know if she needs further advice.
Problem: Aggression towards other dogs
Analysis: 10 month old, female Patterdale Terrier with behavioural problems with other dogs. Money also jumps up a lot so this has to be worked on as well.
Advice Given: I spent 1 1/2 hrs with Money and her owner Ali. Money is a gorgeous girl but definitely needs training. I have advised Ali putting Money back on long line (left one with her) and muzzle if necessary (also left one with her) and to concentrate on the word "watch" and to use treats with it and also to include some mental stimulation, for example, treat ball, frozen kong etc.
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